Excel 2016 Level 3

Excel 2016 – 3.7.11 – VLOOKUP with IFERROR

When VLOOKUP can’t find the value it is looking for, it produces the #N/A error. We’re going to see how we can use that error value in the IFERROR function.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.12 – Use Solver and Reports

This video shows you how to use Solver and how to create the different reports that it makes available.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.11 – Add Solver to Excel

Solver is NOT part of the default set-up of Excel, which means we need to add it in. This video shows you how.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.10 – About Solver

There are few things you need to be aware of, to use Solver. This video explains them.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.9 – Goal Seek

A lovely simple little feature, that is always handy to know.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.8 – Create a Summary Report

This video shows you the print out that you can get, or Summary Report, from the Scenario Manager.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.7 – Named Cells with Scenarios

This video shows you how to use Named Cells with your Scenarios, which means they are much easier to read and makes for a better print out.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.6 – The Scenario Manager

This video shows the Scenario Manager and how it’s commonly used.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.5 – Two-input Data Table

This video shows how to use two inputs into a Data Table.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.4 – Start-up Data Table

We are still looking at a One-input Data Table but this time we’re looking at a Start-up company. We want to show the Revenue, Profit and Variable Costs associated with differing sales amounts.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.3 – Data Table with Multiple Formulas

This video is still showing a One-input Data Table, but with multiple formulas which produces multiple results.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.2 – Create a One-input Data Table

This video brings you through the steps required to create a One-input Data Table.


Excel 2016 – 3.13.1 – About Data Tables

This video explains what a One-input Data Table and a Two-input Data Table are. It also shows the results after the Data Table feature has been applied.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.1 – View and Setup Data

Data to be used in a PivotTable must be structured in a way that Excel understands, or it just won’t work properly. This video will show you how to correctly set up your data, in the ‘Tabular’ way, that PivotTables understand.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.9 – Pivot Sorting Issue

If you have found that – seemingly out of the blue – a PivotTable refuses to sort in either Ascending or Descending order for you then hopefully, this video will ‘sort’ out your frustration!


Excel 2016 – 3.5.8 – Using Calculated Item

This calculates one item in a field, with another item in that same field.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.7 – Using Calculated Field

We’re going to use the Calculated Field feature to show VAT at 23%. This will create a new Field specific to the PivotTable as it does not exist in the underlying data.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.6 – Using % of Row Total

Use this function to show what % of the months sales – each Product amounts to.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.5 – Using % Of

We’re going to see what % difference there is between our highest sales in Dublin, and each of the other Locations.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.4 – Using Rank

We’re going to use this pre-created PivotTable function to rank our Sales in order, by Location.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.3 – Using % of Grand Total

We want to know what % of the Grand Total are the first years sales. We can easily work this out using this pre-created feature.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.2 – Using % Difference From

We want to see the % difference in Sales between one year and another. This video shows you how to use this pre-created feature.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.1 – Using Average and Count

We know how to create a SUM within a PivotTable, but now we’ll create two more very common calculations.


Excel 2016 – 3.4.3 – Group Text Fields

This video brings you through the steps required to create a Regional Grouping in the PivotTable, even though there is no Region field, in the underlying data source.


Excel 2016 – 3.4.2 – Group Dates by Week

We’ve already seen how to Group by Date in Lesson 1 – but to Group Dates by Week takes a bit more work. This video shows you how it is done.


Excel 2016 – 3.4.1 – Group by Numbers

This feature is used to show how you can Group employees in a company, by age.


Excel 2016 – 3.3.6 – Using Slicers with Multiple Pivots

If you have multiple PivotTables created from the same data source, then you can attach the same Slicers to all of them, so that they are all Filtered together. Particularly useful for Dashboards.


Excel 2016 – 3.3.5 – Show Top 5 Locations

We’re going to use the Top 10 Filter feature to show the Locations generating the Top 5 sales revenues.


Excel 2016 – 3.3.4 – Filter by Date

PivotTables provide many pre-created date selections, which we’ll look at, but we’re going to see how to Filter between one date and another.


Excel 2016 – 3.3.3 – Custom List Sort

A manual Sort is great for small amounts of information, but if you want to create your own Sort Order for large amounts of data, then look at carrying out a Custom List Sort instead. Another advantage of this type of Sort is that it can be re-used in other PivotTables.


Excel 2016 – 3.3.2 – Create a Manual Sort

Is it possible to sort the data in a different order to A-Z and Z-A? Yes it is, and this video shows you how.


Excel 2016 – 3.3.1 – Basic Sorting

Sorting can be done through the Filter drop-downs or by using the right-click. We’re going to carry out 3 Sorts using the right-click.


Excel 2016 – 3.2.4 – Apply Pivot Styles

The default PivotTables Style is based on a blue colouring – but if blue isn’t your colour, then you can easily change the Style to any of the other pre-created Styles that Microsoft provides.


Excel 2016 – 3.2.3 – Change the Pivot Layout

Maybe you’d like to remove the Grand Totals or add Subtotals to each Group. Maybe you’d like to add space between each Group to make it easier to read. Learn how to quickly and simply alter the layout of your PivotTable.


Excel 2016 – 3.2.2 – How to Rename Field Headings

This video shows you how to change the field headings to be more understandable. It will also show you how to overcome a very common problem that you will encounter when renaming those field headings.


Excel 2016 – 3.2.1 – How to Display Blank Cells

Learn how to display the blank cells that appear in a PivotTable – as zeros.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.11 – Set a PivotTable to Open on Refresh

By default, PivotTables have to be manually Refreshed. However, there is a way that you can set them up to automatically Refresh whenever the Workbook is opened. In this video we’re going to see how you turn on that feature.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.10 – Refresh the Data

This video shows you that if you increase your original dataset you then need to Refresh the PivotTable so that it picks up the new data. If your original dataset was turned into a Table before being made into a PivotTable we’ll see that the Refresh is very simple. However, if the dataset was not […]


Excel 2016 – 3.1.9 – Insert and Use Slicers

Slicers are an excellent feature for filtering a PivotTable. In this video learn how to create, modify and delete Slicers.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.7 – Drilldown Into Pages

This video will show you how to quickly drilldown the Location field to show a separate Worksheet and PivotTable for each of the individual Locations. A very powerful feature of PivotTables.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.8 – Create a PivotChart

This video shows you how easy it is to create a PivotChart. PivotCharts, like PivotTables, are dynamic and you’ll see that reflected in this video.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.6 – Drill into Pivot Data

This video shows you how you can drill into any of your figures and get a breakdown of the sales that make up a figure. We’ll show a single drill-down, but you can drill-down on as many figures as you like.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.5 – Filter and Ungroup Pivot Data

This video shows you filtering and how it works differently with Grouped information. You’ll also see that Grouping stays with data, even when removed from the PivotTable, so if you want data to be Ungrouped, you have to manually carry it out.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.4 – Group a PivotTable by Date

The dates in the Date column span 2 years. This is the correct way to input dates in your dataset, if you want to create a PivotTable. However, to display the information by Year we need to know how to Group those dates. We’ll take it a step further and Group by Quarter, within Year.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.3 – Add Currency Style to Pivot Data

Believe it or not, there is a correct way and a wrong way, to turn on the Currency style in a PivotTable. Learn the correct way, but also discover why the wrong way – is wrong.


Excel 2016 – 3.1.2 – Create a Basic PivotTable

This video shows you how easy it is to create a basic PivotTable. We’ll then build on this PivotTable over the rest of videos in this lesson.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.9 – Pivot Sorting Issue

If you have found that – seemingly out of the blue – a PivotTable refuses to sort in either Ascending or Descending order for you then hopefully, this video will ‘sort’ out your frustration!


Excel 2016 – 3.5.8 – Using Calculated Item

This calculates one item in a field, with another item in that same field.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.7 – Using Calculated Field

We’re going to use the Calculated Field feature to show VAT at 15%. This will create a new Field specific to the PivotTable as it does not exist in the underlying data.


Excel 2016 – 3.5.6 – Using % of Row Total

Use this function to show what % of the months sales – each Product amounts to.


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